29 Voyages of Gallifrey One 2018

29 Voyages of Gallifrey One 2018

The 29th Annual North American Doctor Who Celebration.

Thursday February 15 - Sunday February 18, 2016 (Presidents' Day Weekend)

The Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Marriott Hotel

John and Judi's Gallifrey One Top 10

John and Judi's 29 Voyages of Gallifrey One 2018 Favorite Events
 (1) Thu  1:00pm Pizza at Humple Pie at the Phoenix Sky Hrbor Airport
 (2) Thu  6:00pm Registration (Tina, Jennifer C, Cruising Dan, Kathy Sullivan, Chaz, and Heather)

 (3) Fri 10:00am Radio Free Skaro with Sylvester McCoy, ...
 (4) Fri 11:30am Wendy Padbury (Zoe) featuring Fraser Hines (Jamie)
 (5) Fri 12:15pm Lunch with Doug at Trimana's
 (6) Fri  1:45pm Terry Malloy (Davros) featuring Monty
 (7) Fri  2:00pm John Nathan Turner and the Happiness Patrol featuring Andrew Cartmel 
 (8) Fri  4:00pm Sylvester McCoy (The 7th Doctor) and Sophie Aldred (Ace) (5 stars out of 5)
 (9) Fri  5:00pm Steven Moffat  (5 stars out of 5)
(10) Fri  6:00pm Dinner with Doug and another Mark at Alik's Greek Tavern

(11) Sat  9:45am 2017 Xmas Special live commentary "Twice Upon A Time" f/Steven Moffat, David Bradley (1st Doctor), ...
(12) Sat 11:30am Classic BBC: Memories of Yesteryear f/Andrew Cartmel, Frazer Hines, Colin Spaull, Sophie Aldred, Terry Malloy, Wendy Padbury, Philip Martin
(13) Sat  3:00pm Circus Life: Making of "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy" f/Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Mike Tucker, ...
(14) Sat  7:30pm Murray Gold: scoring the Doctor 101 (scheduled for 6:15pm)

(15) Sun 10:00am Mike Tucker: behind the magic (5 stars out of 5)
(16) Sun 10:45am "The Empress of Mars" live commentary by NASA scientists
(17) Sun 12 noon Lunch with Doug at zPizza, 5933 W Century Blvd
(18) Sun  2:00pm The Time of the Doctor f/Steven Moffat, David Bradley, Matt Lucas (Nardole), Jemma Redgrave (Brig)
(19) Sun  2:45pm Cat People: Remembering "Survival": Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Mike Tucker, Lisa Bowerman
(20) Sun  4:30pm Gallifrey Waits No More Sophie Aldred, Lisa Bowerman, Wendy Padbury, Jemma Redgrave, Chase Masterson, ... (women in the media)
(21) Sun  5:30pm The Year in Review 2017
(22) Sun  6:15pm Closing Ceremonies with Shaun Lyon, ...
(23) Sun  7:00pm Dinner with Doug, Dancing Dan, and Wendy at Jersey Mike's Subs, 5933 W Century Blvd
John and Judi's Gallifrey 2018 Missed Events
 (1) Fri 12:15pm Big Finish 2018 Preview featuring Lisa Bowerman (Lunch Break)
 (2) Fri  3:15pm Guests starring on Doctor Who featuring Terry Malloy and Colin Spaull (Back Break)
 (3) Fri  5:00pm Mars rover update (Conflict)
 (4) Fri  5:00pm Sylvester and the Bannermen with Eric Hoffman (Conflict)
 (5) Fri 10:30pm The Idiot's Intern (Sleep)

 (6) Sat 11:00am 20 Years as Bernice Summerfield f/Lisa Bowerman (Conflict)
 (7) Sat 11:00am Cassini: the Grand Finale (Conflict)
 (8) Sat  2:00pm Matt Lucas (Lunch)
 (9) Sat  6:00pm The McCoy Years f/Eric Hoffman (Potential conflict with Murray Gold which was delayed by an hour)
(10) Sat  8:30pm Masquerade of Mandragora 2018 (Sleep)
(11) Sat  9:00pm The Time Travelling Scot f/Frazer Hines (Sleep)
(12) Sat 10:00pm The Troughton Years f/Eric Hoffman (Sleep)

 (1) Check out Fraser Hines and Charlie Chaplin in "The King of New York"
 (2) Check out "7 Days to Doomsday" stage show audio clip
 (3) Check out "Shada" DVD

To buy next year:
(1) Big Finish CD with "UNIT" extinction with Osgood (Ingrid Oliver)
(2) "Illegal Alien" by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry 
(3) "Crawling Terror" book by Mike Tucker
(4) Big Finish "World of Doctor Who" CD starring Daphne Ashbrook
(5) Big Finish CD with Paul McGann and Sheraton Smith (BAFTA award winner)

# of Big Finish CD's purchased in the Dealers Room: 12 including "The Time War I" f/Paul McGann
# of books purchased in the Dealer's Room: 1 "Montmorency Montgomery Bear" by Terry Molloy

# of ribbons collected = 6:
(1) "And there's music, always music" The Doctor
(2) They've redecorated. I don't like it.
(3) Doctor Who Cruise Wannabe
(4) Stay hydrated #hydrationNation
(5) Mr. and Mrs. Spartacus
(6) 1111/ 1111/ 1111/ 1111/ 1111/ 1111/ 1111/ 1111/

Gallifrey One 2018, 29 Voyages Links:

Comedy Short for Idiot's Lantern: Gallifrey One Convention
John's Gallifrey 2016 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2015 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2014 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2012 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2011 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2010 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2009 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2008 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2007 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2006 Top 14 List
John's Gallifrey 2005 Top 14 List
John's Gallifrey 2004 Top 16 List
John's Gallifrey 2003 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2002 Top 10 List
Outpost Gallifrey Link
John and Judi's Links
J & J Heath Home Page

(Last updated March 11, 2018)