Gallifrey One 2016 Station 27

Gallifrey One 2016 Station 27

The 27th Annual North American Doctor Who Celebration.

Thursday February 11 - Sunday February 14, 2016 (Presidents' Day and Valentine's Day Weekend)

The Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Marriott Hotel

John's Gallifrey One Top 10

John's Gallifrey One 2016 Station 27 Favorite Events
 (1) Thu  4:00pm Registration (Dancing Dan, Kathy Sullivan, Cruising Dan, ...)
 (2) Thu  6:00pm Democratic Debate at the Renaissance Hotel (CNN)
 (3) Fri 10:30am Good Morning Gallifrey One
 (4) Fri 11:00am Radio Free Skaro with Peter Davison, Julian Glover, Sarah Pollard, Patricia Quinn, Andy Pryor, Jamie Mathieson
 (5) Fri 12:30pm Ian McNeice (Winston Churchill) interviewed by Tony Lee
 (6) Fri  1:15pm Michelle "Missy" Gomez interview by Gary Russell
 (7) Fri  2:00pm Nicola "Peri" Bryant interview by Chaz Martin
 (8) Fri  2:45pm Ingrid "Osgood" Oliver interview by Barnaby Edwards
 (9) Fri  5:00pm Peter Davison interview by Gary Russell
(10) Fri  5:45pm Patricia "Dragon Fire" Quinn interview by Paul Condon
(11) Fri  6:30pm Julian "Beowulf" Glover interview by David Bickerstaff

(12) Sat 10:00am Star Trek Continues: the White Iris f/Colin Baker
(13) Sat 11:15am Creature Feature: Matthew "Roman Soldier" Doman, Jami "The Veil" Reid-Quarrell
(14) Sat 11:45am Dealer Room: Frazer Hines, Andrew Cartmel, and Eric Hoffman
(15) Sat  2:15pm Nicola Bryant and Frazer Hines interviewed by Nev Fountain
(16) Sat  3:00pm Peter Davison and Colin Baker
(17) Sat  4:00pm Michelle "Missy" Gomez and Ingrid "Osgood" Oliver interview by David Bickerstaff
(18) Sat  5:00pm Sir John Hurt interview by Gary Russell

(19) Sun 10:00am Big Finish preview: animated "Prisoner Zero" Episodes 1 and 2
(20) Sun 11:00am Exoplanets and Life Beyond with Anita Sengupta, Dr. Michelle Thaller, ...
(21) Sun 12 noon Lunch with Doug at Jersey Mike's Subs, 5933 W Century Blvd
(22) Sun  2:30pm Restoration: the Last Harrah 
(23) Sun  3:00pm Timeless Doctor Who: Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Frazer Hines, Nicola Bryant, Andrew Carmel, ...  with Gary Russell
(24) Sun  4:00pm Doctor Who Evermore Ian "Winston" McNeice, Samuel "Danny Pink" Anderson, Neve "Madam Vastra" McIntosh, Jami "The Veil" Reid-Quarrell...
(25) Sun  5:00pm The Year in Review 2016
(26) Sun  6:00pm Closing Ceremonies with Shaun Lyon, Dan Sandifer, ...
(27) Sun  7:00pm Dinner with Doug, Dan, Dan, Kathy, Rhonda, Dave, and Anthony at Denny's
(28) Mon  Noon   Lunch at LAX's Rock and Dine Sports Bar
John and Judi's Gallifrey 2016 Missed Events
 (1) Fri 12:30pm Colin Baker (Conflict)
 (2) Fri  4:00pm Mars Science Lab and Curiosity Update (Lunch Break)
 (3) Fri  4:15pm Frazer Hines interview by Chaz Martin (Lunch Break)
 (4) Fri  5:00pm The Spinoffs of Doctor Who f/Kathy Sullivan (Conflict)
 (5) Fri  5:00pm Toward a New Horizon: Pluto and Beyond (Conflict)
 (6) Fri  6:00pm Jupiter: A Cosmic Jekyll and Hyde (Conflict)
 (7) Fri 10:30pm The Idiot's Intern (Sleep)
 (8) Sat 10:00am Coiming to this Theatre Soon with Eric Hoffman (Conflict)
 (9) Sat 12 noon Ending Bullying with Colin Baker and Chase Masterson (Conflict)
(10) Sat  1:00pm Mars 2020 Mission Update (Lunch)
(11) Sat  1:30pm Big Finish 2016 (Lunch)
(12) Sat  3:00pm Cassini Mission to Saturn (Conflict)
(13) Sat  8:30pm Masquerade of Mandragora XXVII (Sleep)
(14) Sat 10:00pm Just A Minute with Paul Cornell (Sleep)
(15) Sun 12 noon An hour with Frazer Hines (technical problem)
(16) Sun  1:00pm Dawn Mission Update: dwarf planet Ceres (Lunch)

 (1) "An actor is the victim of others' imaginations" -- Sir John Hurt
 (2) "Beowulf is the oldest English manuscript" (around 1000 AD, story is older than that)
 (3) "Black Adder's Xmas Story" (Nicola Bryant)
 (4) "Viscon"
 (5) "The Boxer Delights" Patricia Quinn
 (6) "Enemy of the World" newly found Doctor Who tape
 (7) "1984" John Hurt movie (made in 1984)
 (8) "A Man for all Seasons" 1966 movie with John Hurt
 (9) "New telescope under development that is 7x the Hubble telescope"
(10) "There are around 1900 possible exoplanets in our galaxy"
(11) "Super Earth"

To buy next year:
(1) Big Finish CD with "UNIT" extinction with Osgood (Ingrid Oliver)
(2) "Illegal Alien" by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry 
(3) "Crawling Terror" book by Mike Tucker
(4) Big Finish "World of Doctor Who" CD starring Daphne Ashbrook
(5) Big Finish CD with Paul McGann and Sheraton Smith (BAFTA award winner)

# of Big Finish CD's purchased in the Dealers Room: 10 including "The War Doctor" and "The Churchill Years"

# of ribbons collected: 5:
(1) Doctor Who Cruise Veteran
(2) Cybermen 50th Anniversary* 1966-2016 * No Gold Please!!!
(3) It's my "He's HOT when He's Clever" face! --
(4) Words are his weapons. --
(5) I have an unearthly child at Coal Hill School.

Gallifrey One 2016 Station 27 Links:

Julian Glover reads Beowulf (10:40)
Michael Wood - In search of Beowulf (featuring Julian Glover) (59:13)
Sir John Hurt reading William Hartnell speech (1:09)
Sir John Hurt reading Jon Pertwee speech (0:57)
Sir John Hurt reading Capaldi war speech pt 1 (1:08)
Sir John Hurt reading Capaldi war speech pt 2 (0:50)
Comedy Short for Idiot's Lantern: Gallifrey One 2016 Convention
John's Gallifrey 2015 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2014 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2012 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2011 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2010 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2009 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2008 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2007 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2006 Top 14 List
John's Gallifrey 2005 Top 14 List
John's Gallifrey 2004 Top 16 List
John's Gallifrey 2003 Top 10 List
John's Gallifrey 2002 Top 10 List
Outpost Gallifrey Link
John's 2016 Cell Phone pictures slideshow on Flickr
John and Judi's Links
J & J Heath Home Page

(Last updated March 11, 2018)